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Monthly Prize Drawings in Groups

Hi everyone, I am buried in little pink envelopes this week as I fill Treasure bag orders, but I am aware that it is time to draw prizes in the Stash and Treasure Bag Group. I have changed the rules, I have have pinned a post that you can comment below and leave your name for the drawing.

You do not have to post pictures, just participate in the group. Leave comments, questions, post pics or not. You can discuss jewelry or your cat. It doesn't matter as long as you are apart of the group you can be in the drawing. I will draw 6 names using the random name generator app. I will send those people a lovely Stash Bag full of shiny goodies. We will use the same list every month so as new members come in they can add their name. I will draw for this month, next week, allowing time for the names to appear.

I am also going to do a drawing in the Gina's Gems Group. I will make a post for it tonight. I had posted a few weeks back that I would like to give away extra beads and components that are cluttering up my bead closet and studio. Many were interested, I just wasn't sure how to go about doing it.

Same idea, post your name in the comments below the the pinned post. Make sure it's your name, if you use a screen name write your full name in the post. This way I can send you a surpirze package, if your name is drawn. I can find you in my contacts for the website if I have your name. I will then send you an unexpected bag of extras.

The packages may be mixed individual beads, glass and metal components, strands, findings, whatever I need to clear out. I will not advertise the names, I will just send it out and you can post about when you get one, if you would like. It could be a fun conversation starter. And my closet gets cleaned out in the process. Perhaps, I should call them " out of the closet" bags...LoL...yeah, I am open for suggestions🤪. Anyway, this is my plan. I hope you like it. I will get that post ready as soon as I can, then in one week I will send my first out of the closet bag...oh, that's just bad. ha! But I kind of like it too.

Remember this is a clearing out, if you don't like the packages, you can always remove your name from the list, but you may just find some great treasures in the bag.

I am off to create a post in the Gina's Gems Group...give me an hour and it will be there.

Love you all!


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