Below is a post I wrote in groups a few minutes ago. I thought I would send it out as a blog so more people will see it and understand why I have raised the free shipping threshold.

Hi everyone, Sorry I have not been around for a couple days. I am busily sending out orders. The Treasure Bags sold out in record time. I thank you all for that. However, there are a lot of people that did not get one and are rather irritated with me...oops. Usually the amount I have been selling lasts several days. But, as I send out orders there are many multiple bag orders, more than usual, and many with 3 bags. So, this is why it is gone already. I don't have a problem with multiple bag orders, but I am finding that the shipping is killing me. This was a heavy bag. Two of them puts the buyer at the threshold for free shipping, which then costs me quite a bit per order. Three of them costs me half the price of a bag. Because I keep the prices low, my profit is low. Shipping is taking my profit. If it is small items, shipping isn't bad, but treasure bags tend to be heavy. I am telling you all this because, in order to continue with loaded bags at a reasonable price, I have to increase the free shipping threshold. I am a small company and do not get huge quantity shipping discounts, so I have to charge shipping fees and my fees are what I pay, I do not hike them up or charge handling fees. So, instead of raising the price of the treasure bags the free shipping threshold has been raised to $100.00. I hope you will understand. I am not doing this because of greed, I am finding with this bag, and all the multiple orders, that I cannot afford to continue offering the bags at the price I offer them at, unless I eliminate most of the free shipping. I am sorry for that. But I wanted to explain. Thank you again for your fabulous support and I hope this does not disappoint or discourage you from buying the bags in the future. Eternally grateful, Gina
I didn’t get a bag this time but I’ll set my alarm for next time Gina. 😹😹😹 That’s totally understandable about the shipping costs. I’m sure everyone expects to pay postage today. Thanks for ALL the GREAT TUTORIALS!!!! You’re so awesome!!! 💝🥰🤗
Congratulations Gramma . What a beautiful baby. Where do you find the time. I'm ready for whatever you throw at me. I'm so excited for the next bag. Where would I get the information on when the orders are ready to purchase. I've been scrolling through the site and haven't found anything definitive. I hope you received my post earlier today. I'll be going there next. Yes do what you have to do GG in order to make it worth your while.. I mean I had a business as at one time and yes we have to make a living right. If not . then it won't be fun for you anymore and then what's the point right. I had…
Missed out on Jan treasure bag. It sold out quickly so very good for you! No one is giving such quality and amount but you. Understand all about shipping costs and am in complete agreement with everyone who is supporting you . Loved the Christmas necklace and wore it with love. Got several compliments about it . Keep doing what you are doing. We all love and appreciate you. God bless you .
I am glad you did this. Gina, you are so good to us, and generous beyond measure. I just see this as another way of having your back. Love you, Girl!
I completely understand the shipping costs! With rising prices at all the shipping places, usps, etc. it’s unreadable for you to have to eat those costs. It’s not your fault. The quality of your beads and findings speak for themselves. I haven’t been able to do any beading for several months due to a drunk driver running into our house and destroying my art room. We live in a very small house and I have no place to bead as every corner has what I salvaged from that room. It happened on November 13th at 4:30 in the morning. Still patiently waiting on it to be fixed although patience is waiting. It destroyed my holiday sales. Oh well, maybe there’s…