Hi everyone, in my last post, I introduced the idea of making Stash Builder Bags. Many people were interested in that Idea. I have put together some and listed them today, I will put together more, but wanted to ask for feedback. If you have an idea about how these bags could be better, or if you want a particular type of bag or color, let me know. I am very interested in your ideas.
I have made several bags with shades one color in each bag, or a blend of two. I will make some in mixed colors too. I also plan to make bags with vintage Czech Glass beads. I have enough Czech Glass to make a several bags and then make a video, that you can access with a link, to watch the tutorials with that selection of beads. I will make an unlisted, You Tube video, and provide those who are shopping or buying the bat, with a link to view before or after you buy the box.
Anyway, check out the bags on the site and see what you think. They take some time to put together and list, I apologize for the wait. Please feel free to comment and tell me what I could do better or if they are good in your opinion and so on. I love hearing from you all.
Good bye for now,

I want Treasure Box #2 please. I have followed you on You Tube and have made many of your projects. I am so happy to take part in this new venture.
Have you a link to your shop please xxx
Can’t wait till I get mine !!!
Got mine!! Woo hoo can’t wait!
Where do you go to buy the purple?